Accountable Leaflet Delivery

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  • Aspect Media

7th March 2019

Leaflet Distribution

There’s no doubt that the social media revolution has fundamentally altered the marketing landscape.

Popping up in timelines is a fantastic way to get your brand noticed but competition is fierce and, unless you have an engaging call to action, your message can be forgotten in seconds.  This could be why door to door leaflet distribution remains popular with our clients in the digital age.

Without wanting to get too bogged down in the psychology of it all, there’s no doubt that non-digital advertising mediums are still a huge draw. Perhaps it’s a throwback to a time when the daily post contained more than just bills, invitations from credit card companies and more bills. Or perhaps screen fatigue is taking its toll and targeted adverts tailored to our location and personal habits are becoming a turn off.

Regardless, it’s obvious that leaflet distribution works. There’s something about receiving a well-designed piece of glossy paper hand delivered through the letterbox that makes people think – even if it’s just for a second.  And if you can get yourself noticed, you can tangibly communicate about a service, product, cause or event.
Although technology has evolved, our approach to distribution has always been the same - to offer a high quality, accountable leaflet distribution service, at a reasonable but realistic price.

Here’s how we do it…

Plan Ahead

Planning high volume campaigns by large postcode sectors is great if you have a big budget but doesn’t always represent value for money for smaller quantities.  Our investment in Geo Plan software enables us to consult with our clients about the target demographic, plan campaigns and calculate house numbers right down to individual street level. Clever, huh?

One at a Time!

Rather than pushing a fistful of leaflets for different clients into each letterbox, we distribute only one item per household (unless instructed otherwise). We feel this offers greater visibility, less competition, a higher response rate and less likelihood that the material will end up in the recycling bin! More importantly, our clients find this offers a higher response rate and better value in the long term.

Be Accountable

New clients often seek reassurance that their leaflets will be successfully delivered. We understand that trust is a huge issue here, so we’ve invested in state-of-the-art GPS tracking systems which sync with smartphones carried by our distributors.

Progress is then updated every four seconds and monitored by office-based account managers. This enables us to provide accurate progress reports and reassurance that the campaign is running smoothly.

Feel free to contact us if you’d like to discuss the benefits of leaflet distribution, whether it’s a small campaign to drum up some business or high volume coverage across Northern Ireland.


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